Blind Version
St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32
DK Galaktika St. Petersburg, Rustaveli street, 12

The main activity is the organization of cultural leisure of residents Kalininsky district: implementation of theatrical and concert activities, holding cultural and leisure events of various formats and the organization of the work of circles and studios.

Theater group "Experimental Story Theater"

10 September 2024

On a voluntary basis

For adults over 18 years old

Зарова Ольга Дмитриевна.jpg

The head is Olga Dmitrievna Zarova

In 2008, she graduated from Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, specialty "Philosopher, teacher of philosophy". In 2011, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences in the specialty "Social Philosophy". Member of the Russian Philosophical Society, corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Theater and Music.

Since October 2015, he has been a member of the Experimental Story Theater collective. Participant and prize-winner of regional viewing contests. She graduated from acting, stage speaking and directing courses. She took part in 52 performances of the Experimental Story Theater as an actress, presenter, vocalist, screenwriter and director of four original productions.

Class schedule:


18:00 – 21:00

Record by phone: 8 (812) 417-40-59

VKontakte group:

We are constantly striving to improve the quality of service, the fullest possible satisfaction of user requests and improve the conditions of visitor stay.