On a free basis
For adults over 20 years old
Head: Yurkin Yuri Valerievich
- St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture in the field of training "The Art of folk Singing", Master's degree. 2017
- St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture in the field of training "The Art of vocal performance (by type). Folk singing" Qualification: "An artist of the highest qualification. Teacher of creative disciplines in higher education", 2019
Yuri Valeryevich participates in the work of the jury in regional and regional professional and amateur competitions and festivals. He has been awarded laureate titles at international and All-Russian competitions and festivals. The most significant of them are:
- The international competition "How it was on the river at Fontanka". 2013 The winner.
- VII All-Russian Folk Song contest "Voices of Russia". 2013 The winner.
- VI International competition "Interfolk". 2013 The winner.
- The International Rainbow Festival. 2014 The winner.
- VII All-Russian competition named after Nadezhda Plevitskaya. 2015 A graduate student.
- All-Russian vocal art competition "Voices of Russia". 2016 The winner.
- The International festival of folk song and music "Dobrovision". 2016 A graduate student.
- XV festival "Christmas of Christ". 2017 A graduate student.
- XXV All-Russian exhibition "Orthodox Russia"; 2018 A graduate student.
- The VII International Folklore Festival "How it was on the river at Fontanka". 2018 The winner.
- Festival of folk traditions "Preserved for centuries". 2021 A graduate student.
Accompanist: Tokarev Andrey Vladimirovich
Education: Russian Academy of Music named after The Gnessins. Qualification "Concert performer, orchestra artist, ensemble artist, teacher". Specialty: "Instrumental performance. Folk instruments, accordion".
The members of the collective learn and perform works written by domestic and foreign composers, get acquainted with the best examples of musical and song creativity of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries
The ensemble's repertoire includes patriotic songs, songs from the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, folk songs, and songs by Soviet composers.
During the lessons, much attention is paid to the development of voice skills and singing in a team, musical hearing, improving the sound of voice, and ensemble singing.
Class schedule:
17:45 – 18:30
18:35 – 20:05
20:10 – 21:40
18:00 – 19:30
19:35 – 21:05
Record by phone: 8 (812) 417-40-59
VKontakte group: https://vk.com/kdcgal