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St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32
DK Galaktika St. Petersburg, Rustaveli street, 12

The main activity is the organization of cultural leisure of residents Kalininsky district: implementation of theatrical and concert activities, holding cultural and leisure events of various formats and the organization of the work of circles and studios.

Unified calendar of events in St. Petersburg

17 June 2022

The St. Petersburg Tourism Development Committee forms a Unified calendar of St. Petersburg events for 2022

The unified calendar of events of St. Petersburg is a unique publication that combines information about events held in St. Petersburg in various thematic areas. The concept of a Single calendar of events has been developed The Committee for the Development of Tourism of St. Petersburg.

To get acquainted with the electronic version of the Calendar for the current year, follow the link: /.

Starting from September 15, the Committee accepts applications for the inclusion of events in the Unified Calendar of St. Petersburg for 2022.

Applications will be accepted until October 15, 2021 inclusive. 

Requirements for submitting an application to include an event in a Single calendar:

  1. The application for inclusion of events in the Unified Calendar of St. Petersburg is sent by applicants to The Committee for the Development of Tourism of St. Petersburg at the following e-mail addresses: , no later than the deadline for accepting applications. Submission of Application information about an event or events that are planned to be held in In St. Petersburg, it is carried out according to form No. 1.\
  2. The Application must necessarily be accompanied by images illustrating, in the applicant's opinion, the proposed events. Images are accepted electronically in one of the following formats: jpeg, tiff, psd, bmp, png with a resolution of at least 1500 pixels in height in horizontal orientation. The name of the image file must match the name of the event. If several files with images related to the same event are provided, each file must be numbered according to the order and number of images.
  3. The application is submitted to The Committee is printed in MS Word and PDF formats with a cover letter signed by an authorized person of the Applicant, in form No. 2. The following information is mandatory in the cover letter:
  4. li
    • the applicant has exclusive or other rights to use the results of intellectual activity presented by him as materials and information announcing the event;
    • information about the organizer of the event (the name of the organizer of the event with an indication of the organizational and legal form according to the constituent documents, full name (completely without abbreviations), position, contact phone number and e-mail address of the responsible person;
    • information about the frequency and sustainability of the event (held for the first time, if not for the first time – how many times it has been held, held once a year, held once every two years, etc.);
    • description in free form of the significance of the event for the development of tourism in St. Petersburg;
    • the Applicant's email address (for official correspondence).
  5. An application containing information about an event that is planned to be held in For at least the second time, it can be sent by the Applicant as a proposal claiming to be included in the "TOP 20" section of the Unified Calendar of Events of St. Petersburg. If the Applicant decides to send information about the event as a proposal for inclusion in the "TOP – 20" section, the Applicant must put an appropriate mark in the column "Proposal for inclusion of the event in the "TOP – 20" section of the Unified Calendar of Events of St. Petersburg" in his application and attach information to the letter in form No. 3.

With an application form, a cover letter and an information letter about inclusion in The TOP 20 can be found at the link /, starting from the start date of accepting applications.

The main sections of the Unified Calendar of events of St. Petersburg:

  • TOP20
  • Festivals and holidays
  • Exhibitions St. Petersburg
  • Petersburg – for children
  • Business Petersburg
  • Sports Petersburg
  • City life

The list of the TOP 20 brightest and most attractive events for tourists and citizens of St. Petersburg will be determined after receiving all the information by voting of experts.

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