Blind Version
St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32
DK Galaktika St. Petersburg, Rustaveli street, 12

The main activity is the organization of cultural leisure of residents Kalininsky district: implementation of theatrical and concert activities, holding cultural and leisure events of various formats and the organization of the work of circles and studios.

We flipped through the calendar again

23 December 2024

On December 22, 2024, the Galaktika House of Culture hosted a concert program of the Crystal Voice vocal studio dedicated to the New Year. The band members delighted the audience with wonderful and diverse vocal performances. The concert program turned out to be very emotional and festive. Everyone was charged with a great New Year's mood.

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23 December 2024

We are constantly striving to improve the quality of service, the fullest possible satisfaction of user requests and improve the conditions of visitor stay.