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St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32
DK Galaktika St. Petersburg, Rustaveli street, 12

The main activity is the organization of cultural leisure of residents Kalininsky district: implementation of theatrical and concert activities, holding cultural and leisure events of various formats and the organization of the work of circles and studios.

Kronshled Ice Sculpture Festival

24 December 2024

Committee for Tourism Development of Saint Petersburg‑St. Petersburg invites residents and guests of the Northern Capital to the third annual Kronshled Ice Sculpture Festival.

The exhibition will open on January 1 in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The impressive works will be created by the best sculptors from Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Among the participants of the festival are world champions, winners and prize–winners of international competitions in ice and snow sculpture.

The craftsmen create in an equipped pavilion, where the required temperature is constantly maintained. More than 200 tons of pure river ice for sculptures were specially delivered to St. Petersburg from the Perm Region.

This year's theme of the festival is "From Peter the Great to the present day: St. Petersburg‑St. Petersburg is a megalopolis of the XXI century." Artists and sculptors focus on life stories and human emotions. Hermitage cats and hares from the Peter and Paul Fortress meet here, long-awaited meetings at the train station and unforgettable summer walks are remembered. All together, these compositions convey the unique atmosphere of our city.

Each exhibition will be complemented with individual lighting accompaniment, which will create a truly magical New Year's atmosphere.

The exhibition will be open from January 1 to January 14, daily from 11:00 to 19:00. Admission is free.


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