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St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32
DK Galaktika St. Petersburg, Rustaveli street, 12

The main activity is the organization of cultural leisure of residents Kalininsky district: implementation of theatrical and concert activities, holding cultural and leisure events of various formats and the organization of the work of circles and studios.

Christmas light show in Kronstadt

24 December 2024

From December 21 to January 8, the Anchor Square of Kronstadt will once again become a fabulous winter town. The facade of the cathedral will turn into a canvas for unique light installations.

This year, not only masters of digital art, but also artists of various genres will present their works. Among them is street artist Nika Kletsky, who paints in the Orthodox style together with Leonid Valdaev, a graduate of the Sretensky Theological Seminary and a specialist in Orthodox design, as well as participants in international festivals of light art.

Four multimedia photo zones are waiting for the guests of the event: a snow globe, a Christmas clock, a star and a gift, which will allow not only to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday, but also to make magical shots.

A Christmas tree with giant Christmas toys will also be installed on the square, which will bring joy to children, and adults will be transported to the happy moments of childhood.

The light show will be held daily from 18:00 to 22:00. On New Year's Eve, from December 31 to January 1, the site will be open until 3:00. Admission is free.


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